The UK’s Premier Supplier of Counselling Training Materials

General Courses

Counselling Courses with CSCT Counselling Training

This section provides you with the necessary information about our courses, the assessment requirements, the level they are matched to and other details. In addition, this section also includes The Complete Guide to Counselling Training in Further Education – everything you ever wanted to know about this topic but didn’t know who or where to ask. The document is available as a PDF file here.

Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB)

You can find out more about these organisations at their respective websites. 

During the academic year 2018 saw the replacement of the Qualifications and Credit Framework with the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF). All new Vocationally Related Qualifications now meet standard criteria for assessment and learning outcomes – and all are matched to specified levels on the RQF, ie Level 2; Level 3; Level 4; Level 5; etc. What this means is that we offer similar courses at each level from different awarding bodies, although you will notice that course length and assessment requirements can vary significantly between one organisation and the other.